Bookings cost £3/hour plus 16p/mile (with a cap of £42 per day) and a fixed booking fee of £2.50.
Electricity costs are included in the price of your booking (exactly how to charge the vehicle depends on your local club and whether it has its own dedicated charge point).
Example 1
You book a car for 2 hours and drive 40 miles.
2 hours x £3 = £6.00
40 miles x 16p = £6.40
Fixed booking fee = £2.50
Total cost = £14.90
Example 2
You book a car for 25 hours and drive 100 miles.
(1 day x £42) + (1 hour x £3) = £45
100 miles x 16p = £16.00
Fixed booking fee = £2.50
Total cost = £63.50
Business Pricing
Business accounts are priced at £15/month for commercial organisations and £10/month for non-profits.
Apart from the monthly fee, usage of the vehicles is priced the same as a normal membership — £3/hour plus 16p/mile (with a cap of £42 per day) and a £2.50 booking fee.